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Can't get facebook checkins, data array always empty

I have a strange behavior when trying to get the checkins of a place or user: the result is always an empty data array:

    "data": [

This happens when I use the Graph Explorer: /4/checkins

or when I use FQL: SELECT checkin_id, author_uid, page_id, timestamp from checkin where page_id = 111856692159256

or when using javascript:

FB.api("/me/checkins", function(response){

I always use an access_token, even ones with ALL permissions available. Simply no result. I read, that checkins are now post with locations, so I tried /4/posts?with=location, but still no luck. Is there some kind of bug, or restriction (country/app-permissions) I am missing?

EDIT: I now got lucky and can get of SOME of my friends their checkins. It's like a 50/50 chance...


  • There are 2 differences commands, one command is the url to get the user checkins:

    • /me/checkins will return all checkins of the current user (the user that generate the token)
    • /<USERID>/checkins will return all checking from the User ID that the current user can see.
    • /<PLACEID>/checkins will return all friends of the current user that made checkin at this place

    So, probably you have no friends that made checkins at the id 111856692159256