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Mono.TextTemplating passing parameters to template

I try to pass a parameter(foo) to an existing template( with this command:

TextTransform.exe -a=foo!bar -o Output.txt

<#@ template language="C#" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.IO" #>


This command fails due to the parameter "foo" is not existing. How can I pass this parameter correctly?


  • The arguments of MonoDevelop's TextTransform.exe match Microsoft's, which are documented here.

    Unfortunately, these parameters are not exposed as as variables in code, they are intended as arguments for custom directive processors. To access them directly from code you must set hostspecific="true" and access them via Host.ResolveParameterValue (paramName).

    You could however use dynamic objects to make your example work, by implementing IDynamicMetaObjectProvider on your template's base class and overriding BindGetMember to resolve parameters from Host.ResolveParameterValue.