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Grails Spring Security AbstractPreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter redirect

I am trying to do PreAuthentication using Spring Security Grails plugin. I read the pre authentication documentation given below, but could not find anything concrete for my situation

In my situation, we have a agent which parses the SAML request and gives a map after successful authentication. Recommendation is to use this jar. Hence, I extended AbstractPreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter and try to do this

    protected Object getPreAuthenticatedPrincipal(HttpServletRequest request) { 
      userInfo = agent.readToken(request); 
        if (!userInfo){ 
        return userInfo 

I have placed myFilter under src/groovy and registered this filter in BootStrap

def init = { servletContext -> 
                'myFilter', SecurityFilterPosition.PRE_AUTH_FILTER.order) 

Its getting loaded correctly, but filter is not issuing a redirect. First of all, I wanted to check if this is the right approach and if it is, how to get redirect working.

I have asked the same question in grails user forum

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Final configuration which worked for me

Wrote MyAuthenticationService which implements AuthenticationUserDetailsService as suggested. You also have to define preAuthenticatedAuthenticationProvider which wraps your custom service


securityFilter(MySSOAuthFilters){ bean ->
    authenticationManager = ref('authenticationManager')
    grailsApplication = ref('grailsApplication')


preAuthenticatedAuthenticationProvider( {
    preAuthenticatedUserDetailsService = ref('customUserDetailsService')

I was not able to do <form-login> because in Grails, this is done using grails.plugins.springsecurity.auth.loginFormUrl config parameter which only accepts relative url.

What I ended up doing is grails.plugins.springsecurity.auth.loginFormUrl = '/login/index'

In LoginController

def index() {
    if(springSecurityService.isLoggedIn()){"User is logged in")
        return redirect(controller: 'mycontroller', action: 'list')
    }"user is not logged in...redirect to sso.")
    return redirect(url: ssoUrl)

Hope this helps


  • A couple of things I see that need to be changed.

    First, do not to send a redirect in the preauth filter just simply return null. The preauth filter is only used to return a subject that your AuthenticationUserDetailsService can use to create the UserDetails object by implementing the method below in your implementation of the AuthenticationUserDetailsService .

    public UserDetails loadUserDetails(AbstractAuthenticationToken token) {
        return createUserFromSubject((Subject) token.getPrincipal());

    Second, set the form login page as part of your configuration. This will be used to redirect to if no subject exists.

    <form-login login-page="http://url_youwanttoredirect_to_on_auth_req" authentication-failure-url="http://url_youwanttoredirect_to_on_auth_req"/>