So I am using the Hosted CIM at to store customer information, they do not store the CCV cardCode.
How do I get the cardCode (entered via the CIM hosted popup form) so that I can process the createCustomerProfileTransactionRequest?
I have not required the CCV code, but transactions fail with the banks that require the code.
I am using the hosted CIM, I query the Customer ID and get the payment profile info using the below code:
'transaction' => array(
'profileTransAuthCapture' => array(
'amount' => $amount_,
'customerProfileId' => $profile_id,
'customerPaymentProfileId' => $paymentProfileID,
'customerShippingAddressId' => $customerShippingAddressId,
'order' => array(
'invoiceNumber' => $invNo,
'description' => 'Subscription'/*,
'purchaseOrderNumber' => 'PO1'*/
'taxExempt' => 'false',
'recurringBilling' => 'false',
'cardCode' => '000'
This was solved by removing the cardCode field:
'cardCode' => '000'
It was passing the incorrect value: '000' causing the transaction to fail with cardCode mismatch error.