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SelectedItem of DataGrid

I am developing a User Interface for a host monitoring application, which is already being monitored on database level. I have displayed 2 datagrids on my UI which will populate on run time.These two datagrids are connected by the HostID ( HostID is the Foreign Key in the LogDatagrid).

The First datagrid displays the list of Host with their Status(either Running or Stopped). I would like to display the Log Status of the respective HostID when a user wants to know the status in detail. How to achieve this when a user selects the Host ID in the HostDatagrid ? I have added my XAML and screenshot of my UI.

UI Design


 <DataGrid DataContext="{Binding Path=HostData,NotifyOnTargetUpdated=True,Mode=OneWay}" 
    AutoGenerateColumns="False" Name="hostDatagrid" Margin="171,32,235,230">
    <DataGridTextColumn Header="Host" Width="auto" Binding="{Binding HostID}" />
     <DataGridTextColumn Header="Status" Width="auto" Binding="{Binding HostStatus}"/> 
 <DataGrid DataContext="{Binding Path=LogData,NotifyOnTargetUpdated=True,Mode=OneWay}"
   AutoGenerateColumns="False" Name="LogDatagrid" Margin="103,108,102,145">
    <DataGridTextColumn Header="Host ID" Width="auto"  Binding="{Binding HostID}" />
    <DataGridTextColumn Header="Logs" Width="auto"  Binding="{Binding LogID}" />
    <DataGridTextColumn Header="Log Path" Width="auto"  Binding="{Binding LogPath}"/>
    <DataGridTextColumn Header="Date" Width="auto"  Binding="{Binding Date}"/>
    <DataGridTextColumn Header="Last Activity" Width="auto"  Binding="{Binding LastActivity}"/>

code behind for the LogFile Model:

    public LogFileModel()

    private int _hostID;
    public int HostID
        get { return _hostID; }
        set { _hostID= value; OnpropertyChanged("HostID"); }

    private string _logid;
    public string LogID
        get { return _logid; }
        set { _logid= value; OnpropertyChanged("LogID"); }

    private string _logpath;
    public string LogPath
        get { return _logPath; }
        set { _logPath = value; OnpropertyChanged("LogPath"); }

    private DateTime _date;
    public DateTime Date;
        get { return _date; }
        set { _date= value; OnpropertyChanged("Date"); }

    private bool _activity;
    public bool LastActivity
        get { return _activity; }
        set { _activity= value; OnpropertyChanged("LastActivity"); }

Code behind for the LogFile ViewModel :

    LogModel _myModel = new LogModel();
    private ObservableCollection<LogFileModel> _logFileData = new  ObservableCollection<LogFileModel>();
    public ObservableCollection<LogFileModel> LogFileData
        get { return _logFileData; }
        set { _logFileData = value; OnPropertyChanged("LogFileData"); }
   public LogFileViewModel()
        timer.Tick += new EventHandler(timer_Tick);
        timer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 3);


    protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
        if (!disposed)
            if (disposing)
                timer.Tick -= new EventHandler(timer_Tick);
            disposed = true;

    private void timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
        catch (Exception ex)


    private void initializeload()
            DataTable table = _myModel.getData();

            for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; ++i)
                LogFileData.Add(new LogFileModel
                   HostID= Convert.ToInt32(table.Rows[i][0]),
                   LogID = table.Rows[i][1].ToString(),
                   LogPath = table.Rows[i][2].ToString(),
                   Date = Convert.ToDateTime(table.Rows[i][3]),
                   LastAcivity= table.Rows[i][4].ToString(),                   

        catch (Exception e)
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

    private void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyname)
        var handler = PropertyChanged;
        if (handler != null)
            handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyname));

    public class LogModel
        public DataTable getData()
            DataTable ndt = new DataTable();
            SqlConnection sqlcon = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyConnectionString"].ConnectionString);
            SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [LocalDB].[dbo].[LogFiles]", sqlcon);
            return ndt;


I have followed the same pattern for the Host Model and ViewModel too.


  • You will have to have the following in your code viewmodel

    A SelectedItem which will hold the selected item in the first DataGrid. A collection HostData that holds all of your hosts. An empty collection Log Data which will display the logs for a particular host

    //populate with all your hosts and this will bind to your first datagrid
    private ObservableCollection<HostModel> _hostData= new ObservableCollection<Host>();
    public ObservableCollection<HostModel> HostData
        get { return _hostData; }
        set { _hostData= value; OnPropertyChanged("HostData"); }
    //populate with all the logs for the selected item and bind this to your second datagrid
    private ObservableCollection<LogFileModel> _logFileData = new ObservableCollection<LogFileModel>();
    public ObservableCollection<LogFileModel> LogFileData
        get { return _logFileData; }
        set { _logFileData = value; OnPropertyChanged("LogFileData"); }
    //when the user selects an item in the first datagrid this property will hold the value
    //so you will bind it to the selected item property of your first datagrid
    private Host _selectedHost; //initialise to avoid null issues
    public HostModelSelectedHost
        get{ return _selectedItem; } 
            //call a method to populate you second collection
            _selectedHost = value;
            logFileData = GetLogsForSelectedHost(_selectedHost);
    //the method for populating your second collection could look like this
    private ObservableCollection<LogFileModel> GetLogsForSelectedHost(_selectedHost)
        ObservableCollection<LogFileModel> filteredLogs = new ObservableCollection<LogFileModel>;
        filteredLogs = //fill the collection with all the logs that match the host ID of
                       //your selected item
        return filteredLogs ;

    I am not sure from your code which class is which but I hope the code above can show you the way of doing this.