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Backbone routing doesn't work when converted to TypeScript

I'm trying to convert a basic Backbone.js router declaration to TypeScript.

var AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
    routes: {
        "*actions": "defaultRoute"

    defaultRoute: function () {
        document.write("Default Route Invoked");

var app_router = new AppRouter();


My converted code is the following which doesn't work:

class AppRouter extends Backbone.Router {
    routes = {
        "*actions": "defaultRoute"

    defaultRoute() {
        document.write("Default Route Invoked");

var app_router = new AppRouter();


I get no compile time or runtime errors but the code does not function. Why?


  • Add all initialized fields in the constructor and make a call to super at the end:

    class AppRouter extends Backbone.Router {
        routes: any;
        constructor(options?: Backbone.RouterOptions) {
            this.routes = {
                "*actions": "defaultRoute"
        initialize() {
            // can put more init code here to run after constructor
        defaultRoute() {
            document.write("Default Route Invoked");
    var app_router = new AppRouter();