When including the factory_bot_rails gem in your dev and test blocks in Gemfile, rails will generate factories automatically when your models are generated.
Is there a way to generate factories after your models have been generated?
Note: FactoryBot was previously named FactoryGirl
First thing, look at the source project to find out how it was implemented:
After that, try to guess how it works:
rails g factory_bot:model Car name speed:integer
The result is:
create test/factories/cars.rb
And the content:
# Read about factories at https://github.com/thoughtbot/factory_girl
FactoryBot.define do
factory :car do
name "MyString"
speed 1
Remember, when you use rails g, you can always undo it, with rails d
rails d factory_bot:model Car name speed:integer
Note: FactoryBot
was previously named FactoryGirl