Possible Duplicate:
Using Android to submit to a Google Spreadsheet Form
I want to create a Form in Android using which i would like to dump the data into a Google Form. I have been trying to find a good resource to understand how it can be done.
I see the ACRA Lib does this and have been looking for some kinda lib to be able to do this
I don't know if you're still looking for an answer, but if so, this helped me: Using Android to submit to a Google Spreadsheet Form. I have 2 working apps that send data to Google forms, so if you have follow up questions, I can help.
Note that Google just changed Google forms pretty significantly, but you can still use legacy forms with the solution linked to above, I think, though I haven't tried it yet. It seems that you have to create the spreadsheet first, then choose "Create a legacy form" from the Tools menu in that spreadsheet.