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VNC server -> websockify -> noVNC issue

Hello i have a bit of a problem using websockify.

I made executable for windows, then i start my websockify in cmd:


WARNING: no 'resource' module, daemonizing is slower or disabled

WebSocket server settings:

  • Listen on

  • Flash security policy server

  • No SSL/TLS support (no cert file)

  • proxying from to

so far all good. In the background VNC server is running on the same computer at port 5900. The thing is i need to use websockify to be able to use novnc on the other computer in local network.

I have latest novnc installed on latest XAMPP server (apache 2.2). When i start vnc.html it asks for server, port, password. I typed them in and press connect. I get an error on the websockify side:

WARNING: no 'resource' module, daemonizing is slower or disabled


websockify.exe [options] [source_addr:]source_port target_addr:target_port

websockify.exe [options] [source_addr:]source_port -- WRAP_COMMAND_LINE

websockify.exe: error: no such option: --multiprocessing-fork

I can't connect using noVNC. I searched for internet to find solution but did not find it.

Can someone help me get this apps together runnig?

or is there some more windows friendly solution with some other app that does what websockify does?



  • Did you follow this guide?

    Websockify uses the python multiprocessing module. This module is problematic on Windows, especially with older versions of python. You might try python 3.2 or greater and see if you have more success although no guarantees. Websockify is developed and tested on Linux only.

    There used to be a pre-built version of Websockify for Windows that at least worked without multiprocessing (one client at a time), however, github dropped support for downloads so this build is no longer available.

    Disclaimer: I made websockify.