Having a Binary Search Tree of int create a linked list of all the integers less than a given integer x value.
What I've tried?
1)brutal solution(inefficient)
An inorder visit of the BST, I insert a node in the list for every integer int the Bst, and then I free every node of the list starting from x
2)more efficient but wrong
I make a search and when I find x, I create a list with an in-order visit of the left son of the node where I've found x.
It's obvious wrong, for example considering the follow BST:
/ \
9 11
/ \
5 15
/ \ / \
1 8 13 19
/ \
12 14
with this solution if x=15 I just consider {12,13,14}, it would work just for x=root.
The question is How can I do?
If you store the parent node of each node, a more efficient solution can be implemented, as long as you don't care about the order of the elements in the result list: