I've created a json fixture, and put it in my myapp/fixtures/. I've added myapp/fixtures to settings.FIXTURE_DIRS. Here's the output of my attempt to load the fixture:
jeff@jeff-linux:~/myapp$ ./manage.py loaddata --verbosity=2 default.json
Loading 'default' fixtures...
[...truncated checking default paths and installed apps/fixtures...]
Checking '/home/jeff/myapp/fixtures/' for fixtures...
Trying '/home/jeff/myapp/fixtures/' for default.json fixture 'default'...
No json fixture 'default' in '/home/jeff/myapp/fixtures/'.
Trying '/home/jeff/myapp/fixtures/' for default.json.gz fixture 'default'...
No json fixture 'default' in '/home/jeff/myapp/fixtures/'.
Trying '/home/jeff/myapp/fixtures/' for default.json.zip fixture 'default'...
No json fixture 'default' in '/home/jeff/myapp/fixtures/'.
Trying '/home/jeff/myapp/fixtures/' for default.json.bz2 fixture 'default'...
No json fixture 'default' in '/home/jeff/myapp/fixtures/'.
Checking absolute path for fixtures...
Trying absolute path for default.json fixture 'default'...
No json fixture 'default' in absolute path.
Trying absolute path for default.json.gz fixture 'default'...
No json fixture 'default' in absolute path.
Trying absolute path for default.json.zip fixture 'default'...
No json fixture 'default' in absolute path.
Trying absolute path for default.json.bz2 fixture 'default'...
No json fixture 'default' in absolute path.
No fixtures found.
jeff@jeff-linux:~/myapp$ ls fixtures/
defaults.json moneytrail.json
here's what's in default.json: [ { "pk": 1, "model": "myapp.feature", "fields": { "default_feature": "0.25" } } ]
Am I missing something obvious here? I've tried the FIXTURE_DIRS as both fixtures and fixtures/ same results.
Your file: defaults.json
Your command line argument: default.json
Look closely.