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iOS6 Simulator MKMapKit "Couldn't find default.styleproto in framework"

Running my app with the iOS6 simulator I am getting the following printed in the XCode console prior to viewDidLoad getting called:

Couldn't find default.styleproto in framework

Has anyone else encountered this, and if so have you found a reason why? My guess is that it has to do with the iOS6 Apple Maps, but who knows!


I should add that I don't get this warning in the iOS 5.1 simulator.


  • I found a way to consistently reproduce this.

    First, the culprit is a set of files in the Cache folder for your simulator. Go to your Application Support folder for the iPhone Simulator:

    ~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/[6.0 and above]/Library

    Then look inside of your Caches/GeoServices/Resources

    You'll see some .styleproto files in there. These files are only created when MapKit is first used in a simulator. It may also happen on the device, but I haven't confirmed it.

    If you want to test this, make sure you have the .styleproto files, then re-launch your app, and you won't see the warning again when accessing the maps.

    Remove the GeoServices cache folder, quit and restart the simulator (and your app), and there is the warning!