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how to disable a specific element of selectable list

I want to disable a specific element of a selectable list. I am able to disable the whole list, but when I try with specific element, it doesn't work.


    $('#selectable li#b ').selectable('disable');

Here is my code

    //reset seats
function resetSelect(){
    var options = { filter: "li.selectable" };
$( "#selectable").selectable(options);               

//Ajax get taken seats
    var sc_id = $('input:radio[name=choice]:checked').val();

        url: 'seatings.php',
        data:{ sc_id:sc_id},
        type: "POST",
        success: function(data){
             var id = data.split(",");
             for (var i=0;i<id.length -1;i++){
                var string = "#"+id[i];
                $('#selectable li'+string).removeClass("selectable ui-selected"); 
                var options = { filter: "li.selectable" };
            $( "#selectable" ).selectable('destroy').selectable(options);                


In summary, I'm getting a series of id and disable them one after the other, every time there is a change on my radio button group.


  • There is no straight way to do this (AFAIK), but here's a little hack you can use (and remember, it's just a hack and maybe not the best):

    Add the css class "selectable" (or whatever you want):

    <ol id="selectable">
      <li class="ui-widget-content selectable" id="ok"> 1</li>
      <li class="ui-widget-content selectable"> 2</li>
      <li class="ui-widget-content selectable"> 3</li>
      <li class="ui-widget-content selectable"> 4</li>
      <li class="ui-widget-content selectable"> 5</li>
      <li class="ui-widget-content selectable"> 6</li>
      <li class="ui-widget-content selectable"> 7</li>

    And then use a filter on that css class:

    // Create a filter to only make <li> with the specified css class, selectable.
    var options = { filter: "li.selectable" };
    $( "#selectable" ).selectable(options);
        // Remove/add (toggle) the class used in the filter on the <li> you want to remove the selectable.
        // (Also remove the ui-selected in case it's selected.)
        $('#selectable li#ok').toggleClass("selectable").removeClass("ui-selected");
        // Now destroy the selectable and re-create it with the filter again.
        // We removed the css class from a <li> used in the filter, so it won't be selectable again.
        $( "#selectable" ).selectable('destroy').selectable(options);

