I have faced with a problem of threads synchronization. My presenter analyzes some sensors and update UI form. I moved updating code into separate thread. It works fine, but if the user stops presenter when it is updating the view, the software freezes - I found that it happens when view.UpdateUI working (it just set some labels using Invoke). Where my problem is? I use compact framework 3.5 and Windows CE 5
using System.Threading;
class MyPresenter
UserControl view;
private Thread thread;
private ManualResetEvent cancelEvent;
public void Start()
cancelEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
thread = new Thread(UpdateView) { IsBackground = true };
public void Stop()
if (thread != null) {
thread = null;
private void UpdateView()
while (cancelEvent.WaitOne(1000, false) == false) {
// analyze something
If your background thread is blocked calling your UI (via Control.Invoke
), and then your UI thread is blocked calling your Stop method with its thread.Join()
you've got yourself a classic fatal embrace. You should get rid of the Join and instead have the background thread raise one last event / notification when the Stop completes so the UI can deal with that (enable/disable buttons etc).