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matlab to android conversion to calculate energy

I have to convert a matlab code into Android. This matlab code contains energy calculation as shown below:

first I read the audio file into matrix x, and the sample frequency into fs, and then calculate the energy for each window:

[x, fs] = wavread('C:\1359873105438.wav')

I am not sure how to convert this into Android/Java.

Have you been through this before? please help me to get over this problem.

thanks in advance for your help


  • Essentially, you have to do something like this:

    double x;//Read Wave in here
    for (i=0;i<x.length;i++)

    How to read the wave files borrowed from this article.

    public class ReadExample
       public static void main(String[] args)
             // Open the wav file specified as the first argument
             WavFile wavFile = WavFile.openWavFile(new File(args[0]));
             // Get the number of audio channels in the wav file
             int numChannels = wavFile.getNumChannels();
             // Create a buffer of 100 frames
             double[] buffer = new double[100 * numChannels];
             int framesRead;
                // Read frames into buffer
                framesRead = wavFile.readFrames(buffer, 100);
                // Loop through frames and look for minimum and maximum value
                for (int s=0 ; s<framesRead * numChannels ; s++)
                   //This is where you put the your code in
             while (framesRead != 0);
             // Close the wavFile
          catch (Exception e)

    Bottom line is, there isn't a nice clean way to do it like there is in matlab. There isn't even a function to directly read in a wave file. Still, it's relatively straight forward, using the WavFile class the website provides.