I currently have a few layers in a Cocos2d scene (running in Kobold2d). Each layer has a sprite batch node attached to it. I need to use batch nodes given the ridiculous number of sprites I have on screen at once. Everything is working fine, and I've set up a little particle system. Problem I'm running into is CCParticleBatchNode particle emmiters are always on top of everything (as it is the highest zOrder's layer) - but this is an isometric game and obviously doesn't work.
Is there a way that I could sneak the emmiters between the sprites on any of my layers containing CCSpriteBatchNode's? I've tried messing around with vertexZ (I'm on the newest version of cocos2d 2.+) but it doesn't matter what I do, it doesn't seem to change anything, even though the LUA file for Kobold2d that would enable this is set properly and the shader for programForKey:kCCShader_PositionTextureColorAlphaTest on my batch nodes is enabled - but maybe this isn't even the best solution?
Has anyone run into anything like this or suggest any sacrifices I could make or tricks I could do that I'm not thinking of?
To use vertexZ you need to enable depth buffering (see config.lua). Vertexz is the only way to change draw order between spritebatches and other nodes.