I see a few great posts here on how to split Python lists into chunks like how to split an iterable in constant-size chunks. Most posts deal with dividing up the chunks or join all strings in the list together and then limit based on normal slice routines.
However, I was in need of performing something similar based on a character-limit. If you have a list of sentences but cannot truncate any slices in the list.
I was able to churn out some code here:
def _splicegen(maxchars, stringlist):
Return a list of slices to print based on maxchars string-length boundary.
count = 0 # start at 0
slices = [] # master list to append slices to.
tmpslices = [] # tmp list where we append slice numbers.
for i, each in enumerate(stringlist):
itemlength = len(each)
runningcount = count + itemlength
if runningcount < int(maxchars):
count = runningcount
elif runningcount > int(maxchars):
tmpslices = []
count = 0 + itemlength
if i==len(stringlist)-1:
return slices
The output should return something like: Slices is: [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13], [14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20]] (Each number references an item in stringlist)
So, as I iterate over this list of lists, I can use something like "".join([item for item in each]) to print 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 on one line, 7,8,9,10,11,12,13 on another. Sometimes, a list might only be 2 items because each of those two items are very long (would add up to under the limit of 380 characters or whatever).
I know that the code is pretty bad and that I should use a generator. I'm just not sure how to do this.
Something like this should work
def _splicegen(maxchars, stringlist):
Return a list of slices to print based on maxchars string-length boundary.
runningcount = 0 # start at 0
tmpslice = [] # tmp list where we append slice numbers.
for i, item in enumerate(stringlist):
runningcount += len(item)
if runningcount <= int(maxchars):
yield tmpslice
tmpslice = [i]
runningcount = len(item)
Also see the textwrap module