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Define CGRectmake with CGPoint and/or CGSize

This is a very simple question of which i can't seem to find the answer. How to do this :

CGRectMake(1, 3, size) 


CGRectMake(pointB, size) 


 CGRectMake(pointB, size.width, size.height) 

instead of

CGRectMake(self.someview.frame.origin.x, self.someview.frame.origin.y, self.someotherview.frame.size.width, self.someotherview.frame.size.height) 

?? Thank you ! :)


The method CGRectmake takes CGFloat. I would like it to take CGSize, and/or CGpoint as arguments of the method.


  • I think this is what you have in mind:

        - (void) logRects
                x      = 10.0,
                y      = 20.0,
                width  = 50.0,
                height = 60.0;
            CGPoint point = {x, y};
            CGSize  size  = {width, height};
            CGRect  rect1 = {1, 3, size};
            CGRect  rect2 = {point, size};
            CGRect  rect3 = {point, size.width, size.height};
                //using designated (named) initialisers
            CGRect  rect4 = {.origin.x=3, .origin.y=5, .size = {100,100}};
                //with designated initialisers, order doesn't matter
            CGRect  rect5 = {.size=size, .origin.x=3, .origin.y=5};
            NSLog (@"rect1 %@",NSStringFromCGRect(rect1));
            NSLog (@"rect2 %@",NSStringFromCGRect(rect2));
            NSLog (@"rect3 %@",NSStringFromCGRect(rect3));
            NSLog (@"rect4 %@",NSStringFromCGRect(rect4));
            NSLog (@"rect5 %@",NSStringFromCGRect(rect5));

    But note the discussion here:
    Why use functions like CGRectMake?

    This kind of compound literal syntax seems to me much easier to read and write, although functions have the edge when it comes to futureproofing ( + you get autocomplete).

    see also this more recent q&a:

    CGRect syntax I haven't seen before