What's the advantage of using Fitness versus automated Integration Tests? I'm struggling to see exactly where Fitness fits in when aiming to deliver a fully tested solution. Surely, if a developer has unit and integrate tested their code then this should be sufficient. Why would a team need to duplicate integration testing efforts?
Test cases in Agile environments mainly come in four main types:
1) Automated unit tests (e.g., using J-unit);
2) Automated feature verification tests (e.g., using Fitnesse);
3) Automated functional/regression tests (e.g., using Selenium or QuickTestPro);
4) Manual testing.
For types 1-3, of course, there are specified automated test cases. For type 4, the test cases tend to be logical (or high-level) test cases, which requires a higher level of skill and domain knowledge in the testers. Also, a significant amount of experience-based testing, such as exploratory testing, defect taxonomy testing, etc., tends to occur.
See the RBCS blog here: