Using the Add-on SDK's cfx run
command, is it possible to get it to log to Firebug's console instead of the command line one from the main add-on code or content scripts?
You can use the undocumented property unsafeWindow
. As its name implies, this is a BAD IDEA. But, as you are only using it for debugging everything should be fine. Please remove these statements when releasing your addon.
unsafeWindow.console.log("Hello, firebug!");
If you want to make all console calls go to firebug you can put the following in your content script.
console = unsafeWindow.console;
If you just want log
console.log = unsafeWindow.console.log
Note: When I was running this on a contentScriptWhen: "start"
page-mod I noticed that Firebug hadn't loaded into the console object yet. So if you are using contentScriptWhen: "start"
you may need a slight delay before accessing the console.