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How to make HTML5 Builder to use my own copy of Android SDK

I am using Embarcadero's HTML5Builder for Android mobile apps development. If I install android-setup.exe, I may deploy the HTML5Builder project to android virtual device without problem.

Next, I uninstall android-setup.exe and set path variable to add my own copy of Android SDK path. I then repeat the above steps to deploy the HTML5Builder project to android virtual device. The IDE prompt me "Android SDK not installed".

Is that possible to make H5B to use my own version of Android SDK?


  • To make Embarcadero HTML5Builder works with manual installation of Android SDK Tools, follow these steps:

    1. Set an environment variable Path=%Path%;[android sdk tools]\sdk\platform-tools
    2. For Windows x86, create a registry key in HKLM\Software\Android SDK Tools\Path = [android-sdk-path]\sdk
    3. For Windows x64, create a registry key in HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Android SDK Tools\Path = [android-sdk-path]\sdk