I'm quite new to prepared statements and am not sure I am doing this right.
Here is what I try:
$currgame = 310791;
$sql = "SELECT fk_player_id, player_tiles, player_draws, player_turn, player_passes, swapped FROM ".$prefix."_gameplayer WHERE fk_game_id = ?";
$stmt = $mysqli->stmt_init();
$data = array();
$stmt->bind_param('i', $currgame);
$fk_player_id = null; $player_tiles = null; $player_draws = null; $player_turn = null; $player_passes = null; $swapped = null;
$stmt->bind_result($fk_player_id, $player_tiles, $player_draws, $player_turn, $player_passes, $swapped);
$res = $stmt->get_result();
while ($row = $res->fetch_assoc()){
$data[] = $row;
// to display own games
foreach ($data as $row) {
if ($row['fk_player_id'] == $playerid) {
$udraws = $row['player_draws']+1;
$upass = $row['player_passes'];
$uswaps = $row['swapped'];
echo 'uDraws: '.$udraws.'<br>';
echo 'uPass: '.$upass.'<br>';
echo 'uSwaps: '.$uswaps.'<br><br>';
// to display other games
foreach ($data as $row) {
if ($row['fk_player_id'] != $playerid) {
$opponent = $row['fk_player_id'];
$oppTiles = $row['player_tiles'];
$odraws = $row['player_draws']+1;
$opass = $row['player_passes'];
$oswaps = $row['swapped'];
echo 'oID: '.$opponent.'<br>';
echo 'oTiles: '.$oppTiles.'<br>';
echo 'oDraws: '.$odraws.'<br>';
echo 'oPass: '.$opass.'<br>';
echo 'oSwaps: '.$oswaps.'<br><br>';
I get an "ServerError" when trying to run this: It is the $res = $stmt->get_result();
that makes the error, but not sure why.
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method mysqli_stmt::get_result() in /home/mypage/public_html/TEST/preparedstatement.php on line 61
Depending on your PHP/MySQL setup you may not be able to use get_result().
The way to get around this is to bind the results.
For example:
$fk_player_id = null; $player_tiles = null; $player_draws = null; $player_turn = null; $player_passes = null; $swapped = null;
$stmt->bind_result($fk_player_id, $player_tiles, $player_draws, $player_turn, $player_passes, $swapped);
while ($stmt->fetch()) { // For each row
/* You can then use the variables declared above, which will have the
new values from the query every time $stmt->execute() is ran.*/