I have an android app using Robospice with Jackson + Spring to perform REST requests. This is working, except that Robospice doesn't seem to be caching the responses. I've also made sure that the cache key is consistent between requests.
I'm setting up the SpiceManager like this:
private SpiceManager mRestManager = new SpiceManager(JacksonSpringAndroidSpiceService.class);
Then, I'm executing the request like this:
mRestManager.execute(customSpiceRequest, requestCacheKey,
DurationInMillis.ALWAYS, new CustomRequestListener())
I don't know if it's relevant, but my customSpiceRequest extends SpringAndroidSpiceRequest. I've made certain that requestCacheKey is identical between requests too.
Is there something else I need to do to enable caching between requests?
Indeed, RoboSpice is doing what you are asking for : you pass DurationInMillis.ALWAYS as a parameter to execute.
This means that the data in cache will always be considered expired. Thus, the SpiceRequest will always perform a network call. You should just use a different cacheDuration value when invoking execute.
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