I would appreciate the help here. For the purpose of this discussion I have an example here (I will use paste bin for the codes):
I am trying to produce this output:
I understand that I need to use $push to make this work. But upon testing, it doesn't seem to do anything. I am following the instructions as prescribed in the docs, but instead of using $Id, I am using user_id for finding the document in the collection. Here is my model:
Am I misunderstanding something, or I am not using the $push operator properly, or something to do on how I created the document?
After walking outside, I finally got my answer.
public static function create_mongo()
$data = array(
'user_id' => '123895',
'First_Name' => 'John',
'Last_name' => 'Doe',
'sites' => array(
'title' => 'Sankaku Complex',
'site' => 'http://sankakucomples.com'
$db = Fuel\Core\Mongo_Db::instance();
sites should be an array carrying an array variable.