Attempting to get an enumerated value by an index from a NSMutableArray property that is filled with enumerated values.
all I wanted is to set a dynamic property and get set back within class instance.
thus, I coded a clear example that expose of problem.
Problem is this. WriteByType method in example never gets correct value. it should log "You Get Right Arrow" but it doesn't
// CCMyClass.h
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
typedef enum {
} Arrow;
@interface CCMyClass : NSObject
NSMutableArray *_arrowsPkg;
@property(nonatomic,copy) NSMutableArray *arrowsPkg;
@property (nonatomic)int nextPkgIndex;
// CCMyClass.m
#import "CCMyClass.h"
@implementation CCMyClass
@synthesize arrowsPkg=_arrowsPkg;
switch (AArrow) {
case aLeft:
NSLog(@"You Get Left Arrow");
case aRight:
NSLog(@"You Get Right Arrow");
Arrow a =(Arrow)[[self arrowsPkg]objectAtIndex:1];
[self WriteByType:a];
//---------------USAGE EXAMPLE----------------------------------------------
// CCAppDelegate.m
- (IBAction)btn1Clicked:(id)sender {
CCMyClass *c1=[[CCMyClass alloc]init];
NSNumber *v1=[NSNumber numberWithInt:aLeft];
NSNumber *v2=[NSNumber numberWithInt:aRight];
NSMutableArray *arr1=[NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:v1,v2, nil];
[c1 setArrowsPkg:arr1];
[c1 GetItemOne];
Arrow a = (Arrow)[[self arrowsPkg] objectAtIndex:1];
Arrow a = (Arrow)[[[self arrowsPkg] objectAtIndex:1] intValue];
or, more clearly written
NSNumber *arrowNumber = [[self arrowsPkg] objectAtIndex:1];
Arrow a = [arrowNumber intValue];
You are storing your Arrow
enum types in NSNumber
in btn1Clicked:
, so you need to unbox these values in GetItemOne
from NSNumber *
types to the earlier int