Using the susy compass addon, when use the span-columns
mixin to be set to $total-columns
how can I disable the margin-right value being set by $gutter-width
At the moment my code is:
@include span-columns(12);
results in
width: 100%
margin-right: 2.12766%;
ideally i would like margin-right not to exist?
There is no reason to use span-columns()
at all in this case. Block elements span 100% width by default, and there is no reason for any of the other properties (float & margin) that are part of the mixin.
That said, simply add omega
and the right margin will go away. Still, it's a bulky way to achieve any of the goals you might be after. If you need it to clear other elements, you should use the simple clear: both;
. If you need it to wrap internal floats, use a clearfix (Compass has several).