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How can I initialize a member const reference in a derived class, when I wish to call a base class constructor?

I cannot find this question even being asked that makes me believe i'm doing something very wrong here...

Lets say I have a base class, A, with a constructor that takes in int parameter. In my derived class, B, I wish to invoke that constructor but also initialize a member reference passed in B's constructor. How can i do this? I cannot find the syntax to add an initialization list if I call the base class constructor. Is this possible?

Lets say I have:

Class Object

Class A
   A(int number) : m_number(number){}

   int m_number;

Now, how would I initialize m_obj if i wish to call the non-default constructor of A?


Class B : Class A
   B(int number, const Object& objRef) : A(number)
       m_obj = objRef; //error, : must be initialized in constructor base/member  
                       // initializer list...but I cannot access an initializer list!!

   const Object& m_obj;

as I said, my intent is probably all wrong here, but if it's valid, I cannot find any syntax examples on google..

go easy on me...:)


  • In the constructor's initialization-list:

    B(int number, const Object& objRef) : A(number), m_obj(objRef)

    (Note, this is nothing to do with this being a subclass. You always need to use the initialization list in order to initialize a member variable that's a reference.)