I have a small python script that loops through a bunch of files and in each file apply a few regex. I would like to add a confirmation step in which the old and the new text are shown. Is there any efficient way of doing this. Right now, in a string, I am doing a .search
., then a .sub
within the matched text and the if the user confirms I insert the new text in the original string (by indices).
You could use re.sub with a callback that ask the user's confirmation:
text = 'This is a dummy dummy text'
def callback(m):
string = m.group()
subst = string.upper()
start = m.start()
question = 'subst {:s} at pos {:d}:'.format(string, start)
ans = raw_input(question)
if ans[0] in 'Yy':
return subst
return string
print re.sub(r'\bdummy\b', callback, text)
which print
subst dummy at pos 10:n
subst dummy at pos 16:y
This is a dummy DUMMY text