I'd like to filter a command like with a QRegExp
/path/to/executable --long-parameter -s /path/which/has/a/space/and/a/dash/\ -end
I try to remove all the parameters that start with -
and the program name (/path/to/executable
QString str(...);
This removes the parameters, but if there is /a/dash/\ -end
, this will be treated as a parameter, when it should be left, since the space is preceded with a backslash. Is there any way to handle it?
/path/to/executable is not the program executed - it's just a string.
Why don't you handle them as a QStringList?
You can use QString::split(...) method to split it in tokens (strings, blank space separated), and then it would be trivial to
check wether the first character of each string is a dash (or whatever other check) and remove it(or do any operation you want).
remove first string (namely the path to the executable as you shown)