I'm trying to figure out how to construct a collection_select to include two relationships. Here are my models:
class Country < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :companies, :dependent => :destroy
class Company < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :country
has_many :departments, :dependent => :destroy
class Department < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :company
When I create a new company I use the following to show a select box based on the relationship.
<%= collection_select(:company, :country_id, Countries.all, :id, :name, :prompt => 'Please select country') %>
But for the departments I'd like to have a select which let's the user select it's company from a select which also includes the companies country, formatted in the following way:
Company 1 - Country 1 Company 2 - Country 1
If i use the following I will only get a list of all the companies which I'd like to be able to see from the list which country they are from.
<%= collection_select(:device, :cabinet_id, Cabinet.all, :id, :name, :prompt => 'Please select cabinet') %>
Is there a way for rails to pull the information for the country into a select and append the entry with it's parent country?
I hope I've worded this question correctly! Sorry if it isn't clear.
UPDATE: move logic code to model
# company.rb
def company_with_country
"#{name} - #{country.name}" # this is better than using `string + string` since it creates only 1 string
# view
collection_select :department, :company_id, Company.includes(:country).all, :id, :company_with_country
UPDATE: faster version because it only uses needed columns
# controller
@companies = Company.joins(:country)
.select('companies.id, companies.name, countries.name AS country_name')
.map { |c| ["#{c.name} - #{c.country_name}", c.id] }`
# view
select :department, :company_id, @companies