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GWT MVP with a table

When working with MVP in GWT how would you work with a table? For example if you had a table of users does your view look like this?

public interface MyDisplay{

HasValue<User> users();


or would it be more like this?

public interface MyDisplay{

HasValue<TableRow> rows();


MVP makes a ton of sense until you start dealing with widgets that need to display lists of non-primitive data. Can anybody shed some light?

This mailing list archive appears to ask the same question but never reaches a solid resolution...[email protected]/msg24546.html


  • HasValue<User> or HasValue<TableRow> would not work in this case, because this would only permit handling a single row. You could maybe use a HasValue<List<User>> but that would mean, that your view has to render the entire table on each change.

    I might be wrong, but I think for tables its best to use a Supervising Presenter instead of the Passive View. Have a look at the PagingScrollTable widget in the GWT Incubator:

    public class PagingScrollTable<RowType> extends AbstractScrollTable implements
        HasTableDefinition<RowType>, ... {
      TableModel<RowType> getTableModel() 

    For a PagingScrollTable, a MutableTableModel<RowType> is used as implementation of TableModel<RowType>.

    MutableTableModel<RowType> in turn implements the following interfaces:

    HasRowCountChangeHandlers, HasRowInsertionHandlers, HasRowRemovalHandlers, HasRowValueChangeHandlers<RowType>

    The PagingScrollTable registers itself as listener on the MutableTableModel and therefore gets very fine-grained notifications of updates. The resulting implementation should be very performant.