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Catching the dreaded Blue Screen Of Death

It's a simple problem. Sometimes Windows will just halt everything and throws a BSOD. Game over, please reboot to play another game. Or whatever. Annoying but not extremely serious...

What I want is simple. I want to catch the BSOD when it occurs. Why? Just for some additional crash logging. It's okay that the system goes blue but when it happens, I just want to log some additional information or perform one additional action.

Is this even possible? If so, how? And what would be the limitations?

Btw, I don't want to do anything when the system recovers, I want to catch it while it happens. This to allow me one final action. (For example, flushing a file before the system goes down.)


  • BSOD happens due to an error in the Windows kernel or more commonly in a faulty device driver (that runs in kernel mode). There is very little you can do about it. If it is a driver problem, you can hope the vendor will fix it.

    You can configure Windows to a create memory dump upon BSOD which will help you troubleshoot the problem. You can get a pretty good idea about the faulting driver by loading the dump into WinDbg and using the !analyze command.

    Knowing which driver is causing the problem will let you look for a new driver, but if that doesn't fix the problem, there is little you can do about it (unless you're very good with a hex editor).

    UPDATE: If you want to debug this while it is happening, you need to debug the kernel. A good place to pick up more info is the book Windows Internals by Mark Russinovich. Also, I believe there's a bit of info in the help file for WinDbg and there must be something in the device driver kit as well (but that is beyond my knowledge).