Why is this returning the original string and not the edited string?
Original String:
I cant believe Ed ate [-food-] for breakfast.
preg_replace_callback('/\[\-[a-zA-Z0-9_]\-\]/', 'tag_func', $email_body);
function tag_func($matches){
$matches[0] = 'tacos';
return $matches[0];
Outcome Desired String:
I cant believe Ed ate tacos for breakfast.
This is my warning I'm getting:
preg_replace_callback(): Requires argument 2, 'tag_func', to be a valid callback
You forgot to add a +
, so that it should match multiple characters:
preg_replace_callback('/\[-[a-z\d_]+-\]/i', 'tag_func', $email_body);
// ^
See it here in action: http://codepad.viper-7.com/f94VPy
If you're running 5.3, you can pass it an anonymous function directly:
preg_replace_callback('/\[-[a-z\d_]+-\]/i', function () {
return 'tacos';
}, $email_body);
Here's the demo: http://codepad.viper-7.com/NGBAIh