I'm trying another find/replace with regex, and I've got some oddball characters that I'm tripping over.
Some lines (in this carat separated file) have a specific tag or two in peren's (either "(S)" or "(N)") following the part number, and I need to move it to before the PN.
Note: For the lines with both the (S) and the (N), it will always be in that order: (S)(N)
What I've Tried:
I started out trying stuff like ^(.+)\(N\)^
and ^([A-Za-z0-9]+)\(N\)^
, but soon started to wonder whether the ^(carat) was complicating things so I tried escaping it.
That didn't seem to make a difference :)
So next I tried changing all the carats to pipes:
... and searching with |([A-Za-z0-9]+)\(N\)|
, and now I'm getting ... wait for it .....
nothing :)
While right now I'd be happy with the small victory of figuring out the Find, the ultimate goal is a Replace with a backreference (of the PN).
The goal is to make the subject look like this:
Any and all pointers/suggestions are welcome.
Unfortunately you are fighting with special characters: ^
, ()
, |
You need to escape all of them. So you can use this regex (see it in action):
and replace with this:
I assumed that you have (S)
and (N)
only after first tag. Output looks like this:
\^ # match '^' character
([^\^]+?) # group 1 : match any char other than '^' one or more times, non-greedy
(\(S\))?(\(N\))? # group 2-3: match "(S)" and/or "(N)" or none of them
(\^.*) # group 4 : match '^' and then everything
$2$3^$1$4 # concatenate group 2, then 3 and 1 and 4 after a '^' character