How to upload high resolution image to folder using gd library or any method? Any help appreciated.
//print_r($file_nm); die();
$hash = hash('md5', $fname2);
$fname = $hash.".".$file_nm[1];
//echo $up; die();
move_uploaded_file($file_tmpname,$up) or die();
The PHP upload processing does not know anything about imges, much less about resolution. It just handles files.
If you want to create a scaled-down preview from an uploaded image (I gues that's what you want; your actual question is less than clear), get yourself familiar with GD, and create the image.
Check the docs:
Specifically, imagecopyresampled()
Please note that the code sample posted here contains grave security issues; I hope that is just an example and not production code. Check out the PHP manual on handling uploaded files here: