i have iphone with os ver. 2.0 i read that for app store all appplication must be run 3.0 os.so how could i make my application to run in both firmware.is there a way i can detect if os ver.>3.0 then run different statments alse run statments for lower than 3.0 os.currently i am using this.
#if __IPHONE_3_0
[cell.textLabel setFont:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:15.0]];
[cell.textLabel setLineBreakMode:UILineBreakModeTailTruncation];
[cell setFont:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:15.0]];
[cell setLineBreakMode:UILineBreakModeTailTruncation];
will it run on both firmware
i want to make my app to be run on >=3.0 os and lower than this...please help me
how do i check my application for deprecated methods...i can only see this line as deprecated cell.text=cellValue;
is there anything to change.i have installed new sdk named iphone_sdk_3.0__leopard__9m2736__final.dmg
Your code above will not run on both sets of OSes. When you use #if statements, you are basically excluding code for one version of the OS for that particular build. In other words, each version that you build, one when you define __IPHONE_3_0 and one when you don't, will exclude the code for the other.
What you are doing is building two executables, one that is built for __IPHONE_3_0 and another for ! __IPHONE_3_0.
If you want to build one executable, that is one app, that runs on both, then you need to replace the #if statements with runtime ifs, not compile time #ifs, like:
if (theOS >= kiPhone3)
You can also link in libraries that are 3.0 only, but test for the availability of the framework at runtime, and then skip the call if the methods aren't available. There are different calls you'll need to use, one for checking to see if a method is available, and one for if a class is available:
Class newClass = (NSClassFromString(@"NewClassName"));
if (newClass != nil)
Last thing, there is a later version of the SDK than the one you mentioned.
Good luck!