Search code examples

How to get values from Ext form

Actually I have an ExtJs script to create form with a Window below.

var frmAccount = Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel',{
    bodyPadding: 5,
    frame  : true,
    items    :[
        xtype       : 'textfield',
        fieldLabel  : 'Account Number',
        name        : 'accountNum'
        xtype       : 'textfield',
        fieldLabel  : 'Company',
        name        : 'company'
        xtype       : 'textfield',
        fieldLabel  : 'Office',
        name        : 'office'
        xtype       : 'textareafield',
        fieldLabel  : 'Address',
        name        : 'address',
        width       : 350
        xtype       : 'textfield',
        fieldLabel  : 'City',
        name        : 'city'
        xtype       : 'textfield',
        fieldLabel  : 'Country',
        name        : 'nation'

var winAddAccount = Ext.create('widget.window',{
    id     : 'addAccount',
    title  : 'Filter Record',
    width  : 400,
    height : 300,
    modal  : true,
    closeAction    : 'hide',
    items  : frmAccount,
    layout : 'fit',
    bodyPadding: 5,
        text    : 'Find',
        handler: function(){
            //console.log(form value);
        text    : 'Cancel',
        handler: function(){

I just want to get values from the form after I click 'Find' button. But I don't know to get values from the form after I click 'Find' button. hopefully I can see the value with console.log script on handler. Kindly please help me to solve or suggest an idea. Thanks.


  • try this

    text    : 'Find',
    handler: function(btn){
        var win = btn.up('window'),
            form = win.down('form');

    And in addition I recommend you to look through the tutorials provided by sencha and to take a look at the API which also contains plenty of examples

    To get only the value of a specific field do (this example assume the field exist!)

    text    : 'Find',
    handler: function(btn){
        var win = btn.up('window'),
            form = win.down('form');
        console.log(form.getForm().findField('NamePropertyValue').getSubmitValue() /*or call getSubmitData() or just getValue()*/);