I am a Glassfish newbie, though a Java and Unix veteran. I am running the shell script to install Java EE 6 SDK, including Glassfish 3 on my Mac.
bash-3.2# sh java_ee_sdk-6u4-unix.sh
Everything goes along fine until I get to the Domain Info screen. I am sticking with the default info (except for passwords):
Domain Name: domain1
Admin Port: 4848 <- I have verified with netstat that both ports are free
Http Port: 8080 <-
Username: admin
Password: xxxxxxxxxxxx
Service Name: domain1Service
+ Start domain after creation
When I click Next, I get 2 error dialogs that tell me the following:
Admin Port: Host name not found
Http Port: Host name not found
Does anyone know how to get past this?
The answer was relatively simple. I had to add the hostname configured with MacOS Settings as an alias for localhost into my /etc/hosts file. I'm not sure where MacOS keeps the host name. But the hostname command (i.e. gethostname) was returning 'airguitar', which is what Glassfish was trying to connect to. Since it wasn't in /etc/hosts, the hostname couldn't be found.