I am new developer with Appcelerator Alloy. Plz help me, how i set Textfield Height Property according to device Display Size.
in Titanium.
var name_Txt = Titanium.UI.createTextField({
height : (Ti.Platform.displayCaps.platformHeight< 481) ? 32 : Ti.Platform.displayCaps.platformHeight * 6 / 100,
width : "94%",
backgroundImage : "../images/textfield_dropdown.png",
top : "10",
paddingLeft : "10",
hintText : "Input Activity - optional scroll",
font : {
fontWeight : "bold",
in Alloy
<TextField height="?" id="name_Txt" left ="2%" paddingLeft = "5" backgroundImage = "/appimage/textfield.png" width ="60%"></TextField>
or in .tss file
height : ?,
Thanks in advance,
Just do it programmatically in the controller file for this view. For example,
Say you have a view named main.xml
<TextField id="name_Txt"></TextField>
A style file named main.tss:
left : "2%"
paddingLeft: 5,
backgroundImage: "/appimage/textfield.png",
And a controller named main.js:
$.name_Txt.height = (Ti.Platform.displayCaps.platformHeight< 481) ? 32 : Ti.Platform.displayCaps.platformHeight * 6 / 100;