So this is the scenario:
- You have a bunch of data that needs to end up in SQL.
- It needs to entered by hand.
- It is not an "enter once and you're done" scenario: it will need to be modified and expanded by humans in an ongoing iterative way. Comments will be associated with entries. It is also useful for data entry people to be able to see related entries near each other.
- Different parts of data will need to be worked on simultaneously by different people.
- Some error checking also needs to happen. (Let the data entry people correct their mistakes before SQL picks them up)
I have one answer, which is how my project currently operates, but it occurred to me that maybe there are other awesome ways of doing this which don't have the problems of my current method.
Look at YAML as a way to represent the data as plain, human-readable, and human-fixable text.
A very simple program can parse the YAML, locate errors and (if there are no errors) update the database.