I am using Devise with my Rails 3 application. The current behavior for resetting a password, is to click on the "Forgot your password?" link. The link here is:
Which will call the following method in the Devise passwords_controller.rb:
def new
This method will do:
generates the password reset token and adds it to the database,
sends an email to the person with a link that includes the token:
Is there any way to convince Devise to perform step 1 ONLY and not step 2? Are there any security issues I should be aware of if this is possible, and I did take this approach in an effort to simplify a portion of the web site.
I would recommend overriding send_devise_notification
on your User (?) model and return true when the notification value is :reset_password_instructions
. Something like this:
# app/models/user.rb
def send_devise_notification(notification)
return true if notification == :reset_password_instructions
Check their example on how to override/customize behavior for sending emails https://github.com/plataformatec/devise/blob/master/lib/devise/models/authenticatable.rb#L127