I'm developing an application in RhoMobile which requires to display the content only in portrait view.
I've tried:
disable_screen_rotation = 1 //in rhoconfig.txt
and it does not work. I understand the line avobe only works in iPhone and Android, but it does not work for me.
I've also tried to modify Rhodes.java to:
this.setRequestedOrientation(disableScreenRotation ?
the problem is that I'm using Rhodes 3.4.1 and I can't find the location of Rhodes.java. Can I accomplish this with JQM and CSS? (I don't think it is a good idea but I may be wrong.) Any help is greatly appreciated.
I found solution for this... I just modified rhodes/platform/android/Rhodes/AndroidManifest.xml
<activity android:name="MainActivity" android:configChanges="portrait">