Need a ListBox/Dropdown with pytz common_timezones name each difference for UTC.
<select style="cursor:pointer; min-width: 300px;" name="timezone">
{% for tz in timezones %}
<option value="{{ tz }}"{% if tz == TIME_ZONE %} selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ tz }}</option>
{% endfor %}
I'm feeding that list with: 'timezones': pytz.common_timezones, 'TIME_ZONE': request.session['django_timezone'] on render to response...
but I'm getting only a list of names.. I needed a list of names the difference of each time zone for UTC..
America/XYZ UTC-xxxx/UTC-xxxx+1
Europe/XPTO UTC+xxxx
Edited: I would be happy getting the present known offsets for each timezone like showed here in this moment (this instant) and if possible with one/two last years spawn (the possibilities like:
Thanks in advance for any help given!
I came to this one:
def get_timezones_with_gmt_diff(timezone_string_list = None):
Converts a datetime object into string.
if timezone_string_list:
timezone_list = timezone_string_list
timezone_list = pytz.common_timezones
datetime1 = datetime.strptime("10-07-%s 00:00:00" % datetime.utcnow().year, "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S")
datetime2 = datetime.strptime("10-12-%s 00:00:00" % datetime.utcnow().year, "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S")
result_dict = {}
for time_zone in timezone_list:
result_dict[time_zone] = [Date.timedelta_in_seconds(pytz.timezone(time_zone).localize(datetime1).tzinfo._utcoffset)/3600,
time_zone.replace("/", " - ").replace("_", " "),
Date.timedelta_in_seconds(pytz.timezone(time_zone).localize(datetime1).tzinfo._utcoffset)/3600 !=
sorted_result_dict = OrderedDict(sorted(result_dict.items(), key=lambda t: t[1][2]))
return sorted_result_dict
def get_timezones_for_listbox(time_zones_dict):
list = []
for time_zone_tuple in time_zones_dict:
# Has different DST/Summer times:
if time_zones_dict[time_zone_tuple][3]:
new_item = "%s UCT %s/%s" % (str(time_zones_dict[time_zone_tuple][2]), str(time_zones_dict[time_zone_tuple][0]), str(time_zones_dict[time_zone_tuple][1]))
# Does not change datetime:
new_item = "%s UCT %s" % (str(time_zones_dict[time_zone_tuple][2]), str(time_zones_dict[time_zone_tuple][0]))
return list
def timedelta_in_seconds(duration):
days, seconds = duration.days, duration.seconds
return days * 24 * 60 * 60 + seconds
of course I will further manipulate these two methods in order to accomplish the desired output from my input context.