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Is there a way to get a stack trace from rspec when a method is unexpectedly called more times than specified?

I setup a mock object and told it to expect a check for nil and to return false:

status = double('status')

I only expect the call to nil? to occur once, but I got an error in my rspec test, saying that status received nil? twice.

Is there a way to get rspec to show where/how each call occurred?

adding the '--backtrace' option did not work.


  • Try something like this:

    status.should_receive(:nil?).twice { puts caller; false }

    This tells rspec to allow two invocations and call the associated block each time. Thecaller method generates a full backtrace which you should be able to analyze onstdout. We also returnfalse to stay on the code-path we're testing.

    If the two backtraces are hard to distinguish and you're only interested in the second (unexpected) invocation, then set up two successive expectations:

    status.should_receive(:nil?) { puts caller; false }

    Here the double will return false on the first invocation and call the block on the second.

    Reference for setting responses on expectations: