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R2WinBUGS error - Trap - incompatible copy

I'm trying to call winBUGS from R to estimate a logistic regression. I'm using the following code:

# Directorio de trabajo
setwd("~/3 Diplomado/7 Bayesiana/8t1")

# paquete para hablarse con WinBUGS desde R

# cargamos datos
reg <- read.table("enf.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",")
edad <- reg$edad
enfer <- reg$efer
n <- length(reg$edad)

# Primeras filas de los datos

# Nombres de los datos para alimentar al modelo en WinBUGS
datos <- list("edad","enfer", "n")

# Construimos el modelo

modelo <- function(){
  for (i in 1:n) {
    enfer[i] ~ dbin(theta[i], 1)
    logit(theta[i]) < - beta0 + beta1 * edad[i] 
  beta0 ~ dnorm(0, 0.0001)
  beta1 ~ dnorm(0, 0.0001)


## escribimos el modelo a un archivo .bug file:
write.model(modelo, "modelo.bug")
## Para echarle un vistazo al modelo:"modelo.bug")

# Distribuciones iniciales
iniciales <- function(){

# Corremos esto en WinBUGS

   regresionlogistica.sim = bugs(datos,iniciales,
       "C:/Users/pythonxy/Documents/3 Diplomado/7 Bayesiana/winbugs14",
       "~/3 Diplomado/7 Bayesiana/8t1",          

WinBUGS opens but I get an error. "Incompatible copy". I have been searching for this error and have found that many people have experienced this. I have tried the proposed solutions: shorter file path for model.bug, making sure there are no more "data" files in the work directory, using list of names for data variable names, etc.

But I still cant get this to work. What am I doing wrong?


  • If I remember well, this error arises if there are some problems with input data or output parameters. I spot several potential problems in your code:

    1. I think this datos <- list("edad","enfer", "n") is wrong: you should have used like datos <- list(edad = edad, enfer = enfer, n = n), because you want to pass the actual data, not just R variable names! Don't confuse this with the output parameters!

    2. phi node is computed but not monitored. I'm not sure if this could be a problem but WinBUGS sometimes behaves strange in this way. Give it a try!

    3. the initial values should be generated randomly, not fixed like this (like rnorm(1, 0, 0.01) etc.)