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contoling an interval in a linedit for ints

I have a lineEdit I use so the user can enter a frequency interval,

// Making the lineedit objects only accept numbers and align it leftside
ui->frequency->setValidator(new QIntValidator(36, 1000, this));

It works fine to the top limit 1000 but the lower dos not. So I created an slot to control it,

// Control freqeuncy interval
void gui::f_interval()
    QString f = ui->frequency->text();
    freq = f.toInt();

    if (freq < 36)
        int status = QMessageBox::warning(this,"Warning","Invalid frequency interval",QMessageBox::Ok);

and connected it to the signal of the lineEdit,

// Control frequency interval
connect(ui->frequency, SIGNAL(editingFinished()), this, SLOT(f_interval()));

so that when the user enters a number lower than 36 it gets a warning dialog window.

But it doesn't seem to work. can anyone help me?


  • You want to connect with textChanged signal instead of editingFinished.

    LE: also i don't remember having issues with validator, so can you provide more details, like Qt version, Os version, compiler, maybe see if the issue is reproduced in a sample project.