I need to store a graph with vertices and edges.My use case is as follows:
Each vertex has following properties.
There are some basic properites like name , age etc and then there are some record kind of properties
Prop1 Prop2 Prop3 Prop4 Pro5
"xyz" "1" "2" "ha" 7
"abc" "1" "3" "aks" 8
Note:This are the properties only one vertex.These are kind of nested properties.Nested properties are kind of records in relational DB.
1)Now i want to fire SQL like queries on these nested properties /records.IS this possible? Eg Find for each vertex valueOf Prop5 only if Prop2="1" .These are kind of relational DB queries.
Eg2: count number of nested records with Prop5 value = 7
IS this supported in OrinetDB ?If yes how?
You can embed records inside records. If are multiple records to be embedded use an EMBEDDEDMAP, EMBEDDEDSET or EMBEDDEDLIST. To query it you could do something like:
select Prop5 from blabla where embeddedProperties contains ( Prop2 = '1' )
Assuming embeddedProperties it's a list of embedded records (EMBEDDEDLIST).