I've created a very simple script that parses a webpage, finds an image, and downloads it to the machine. This script also checks every 5 minutes to see if the picture has changed, and if it has, it downloads the new one. So far, I've been successful in making this a standalone py2app, and it works fine. I can run it, and it does its thing. I have a few questions:
This app would probably be best served as a background application. I can specify that in my py2app setup.py using LSBackgroundOnly=True
as follows:
This is a setup.py script generated by py2applet
python setup.py py2app
from setuptools import setup
APP = ['downloader.py']
plist = dict(LSBackgroundOnly=True)
OPTIONS = {'argv_emulation': True, 'plist': plist}
options={'py2app': OPTIONS},
Now. What I'd really like to do now is add this app to the mac login items. Is there any way to do this in py2app? I wasn't able to find anything in the documentation. I did, however, find in the Apple developer documentation how to do this with a regular Obj-C app. Adding Login Items
However, my Objective C knowledge is limited at best, so I struggled to come up with a good solution for this. Thanks in advance for any help.
I'm not familiar with py2app, but if it makes an application bundle, the process is simple.
Just run this in Terminal:
sudo defaults write \
/Library/Preferences/loginwindow \
AutoLaunchedApplicationDictionary -array-add \
'{ Path="/Applications/YourApp.app"; }'
Substitute the name and path where your application is installed.