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Get in magento a transactional email template from adminhtml

Im trying to send a transactional email in my modules controller and configure it in the magentos backend.

Here is my try:

in my config.xml

   under config/global

                translate="label" module="telllowerpricelink">

                <label>The mail from the TellLowerPriceForm to the shop</label>

in my system.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <customer translate="label" module="telllowerpricelink">
                    <lowerprice_mail translate="label">
                        <label>Emails to tell a lower price</label>
                                    <toshop_template translate="label">
                                        <label>Template for the lower price mail which will be sent to the shop</label>

in my install-0.1.0.php

$configValuesMap = array(
        'customer/lowerprice_mail/toshop_template' =>

foreach ($configValuesMap as $configPath=>$configValue) {
    $installer->setConfigData($configPath, $configValue);

and finally my controller:

    $this->toShopTemplateId = Mage::getStoreConfig('customer/lowerprice_mail/toshop_template');
// output: customer_lowerprice_mail_toshop_template

    $this->toShopSubject = 'my test subject';

        /* Will be set with the submitted mailaddress of the user */
    $this->toShopSender = '';
    $this->toShopRecipients = '';
    $toShopMailVars = Array(

    /* instantiating the mailtemplatemodel and sending it */
    $toShopMail = Mage::getModel('core/email_template')
    //output: NULL

So why I do not get the transactional mail template with the ID which appears in the magento backend in my configuration field? Sorry when its obvious

Thanks a lot


  • You shoul use sendTransactional method. Like:

    $mail = Mage::getModel('core/email_template');
    $mail->setDesignConfig(array('area' => 'frontend', 'store' => Mage::app()->getStore()->getId()))
    //params array