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disabling individual items in knockout-sortable

In knockout-sortable, I know that you can disable a sortable list using isEnabled in the sortable binding. I also know you can disable moving items using cancelDrop in a beforeMove function. The problem is, isEnabled disables the whole list, and cancelDrop can only be called after the item is already dragged and dropped onto another sortable.

Is there a way to disable sortable's click/drag behavior on certain contained items?


  • You can use the jQuery UI sortable options items or cancel for this purpose. Docs here:

    You would add them in a binding like:

    <div class="container" data-bind="sortable: { data: tasks, options: { cancel: '.prevent' } }">

    or globally like:

    ko.bindingHandlers.sortable.options.cancel = ".prevent";

    Sample here: